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How will the fluorine industry break through the "Order Shortage" crysis
2015-06-11 13:36:02 From:CIEN
Fluorine chemical industry is strange to citizens, they have limited impressions of fluorine and these impressions are all about refrigerant for air conditioners and refrigerators, because of its damage to the ozone layer, such refrigerant has now been replaced.
However, the fluorine chemical industry, has a "gold industry" reputation, with the rapid development of China's electronics, home appliances, new energy vehicles, pharmaceutical and other industries, the market has an increasing demand for a number of fine, high-end inorganic fluorides products, fluorine chemical industry has become China's fastest growing chemical industry, a sub industry with the most promising technologies and development advantages.
It is reported that some experts believe that the great leap forward investment on the fluorine chemical industry has not only accerated repeating construction of low-end products, increased the difficulty of industrial restructuring, and fluorite ore became increasingly exhausted Damocles fluorine chemical industry sword. Zhang Yuan, a senior analyst with the fluorine chemical interview with this reporter, said that the overcapacity production of fluorine chemical industry at present is facing serious situation, and it continued to increase since 2005, in 2007 the industry has an idle capacity rate of 16.34%, only just a little excess; but by 2012 the idle rate has risen to 32.11% which is a severe overcapacity.
Mineral fluorite special committee Manager China Zhuzhou Bo said the World fluorite resources are depleting, which required us to adjust development strategies.
When interviewed by the "China Sankei Shimbun", Researchers from Fellow Forward Industrial Research Institute noted that in 2013 global production of fluorite was 6.6 million tons, it fell 3.65 percent compared with 2012. China is the world's largest producer of fluorite,production in 2013 was 400 million tons, accounting for 60% of total global production of fluorite. Evaluating upon the current recoverable reserves of fluorite and annual production in year 2013, and if the mineable reserves in the country does not increase,China's fluorite resources will become exhaused in 6 years at an exploitation of 400 million tons per annum in accordance with that of 2013.
In Depth development of fine products.
"Domestic electronic grade, optical grade fluorine chemical industry technology, compared with foreign countries, the gap is still there, the lack of breakthroughs in key technologies." Chief Engineer Lin Pingping from Yi Zhang Hongyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. told reporters that before technological breakthrough the most important thing is to reduce costs and improve the comprehensive utilization of resources.
For example, most companies produce aluminum fluoride products with 97% high-grade fluorite powder,while some leading technology companies can take advantage of 93 percent fluorite powder to produce the same high-quality products, and can utilize the wasted liquid that contains more than ten percent effective contents. In addition, enterprises with advanced technologies imported technique of craft arsenic pyrite sulfuric acid to improve the comprehensive utilization of resources while protect ing the environment.
Industry experts pointed out that a lot of inorganic fluorides have good market prospects and there are no related techniques in domestic market for many such products and are yet to be developed, such products are mainly: nitrogen trifluoride with at least 10 years of market prospects; tetrafluoride with huge demands in the electronic chip industry; sulfur hexafluoride with certain markets in the electronic-grade products; carbon fluoride, substitute of nitrogen trifluoride, with big future prospects; tungsten hexafluoride with prospects in high purity product markets; pentafluoride iodine, fluorine-containing surfactant ancillary products, good prospects; fluorine gas, scene matching small generating means greater business opportunities; high-purity hydrofluoric acid, currently the ppt level (picogram) for all imported products; fluorine graphite, used in lubricants, batteries, nuclear power and other industries, good market prospects; fine fluoride salts, including titanium fluoride, boron fluoride, zirconium, rare earth fluoride, at present, most need to be imported.