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Many American manufacturers accuse Chinese refrigerant price is too low
2015-07-03 15:14:54 From:Refrigeration report
The Americal refrigerant manufacturer accuse that price of the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) products which imported from china is too low on Thursday. Such products are mainly used in air conditioning systems and refrigerators.
The complaint which was put forward by the US Department of Commerce and US International Trade Commission (ITC), May cause the United States impose importing tariffs for hydrofluorocarbon mixture and raw materials
The complaint was put forward by the United States hydrofluorocarbon Alliance, whose members include Arkema SA (AKE.PA), Chemours Co (CC_w.N), Honeywell (Honeywell) (HON.N), Hudson Technologies Inc (HDSN .O), Worthington Industries Inc (WOR.N) and Mexichem (MEXCHEM.MX) a subsidiary of Mexichem Fluor.
"Chinese producers sell at unfairly low prices refrigerant, Raid US manufacturers price continuously, has caused damage to the US industry," the group said in a statement.